Perpetual Motion
For some reason Bitcoin
fascinates me, and if you are here reading this and hopefully following it it does you as well. I have no interest in simply purchasing them from one of the wildly fluctuating markets available. I simply feel that the trade of Bitcoins, like a commodity, stock, or other financial asset undermines their intended use as an alternative decentralized unregulated currency. Either way a currency exchange must exist, so be it.
I am mostly interested in the process by which Bitcoins are created. Again I have no interest in investing thousands into hardware specially designed to mine them. However a little here and there wont hurt just to satiate my curiosity. Better yet if the investment provides me with new fun toys that I can use for all sorts of other pursuits I'm hooked.
As a result of my inability and lack of desire to invest a true US dollar fortune I know that I will never possess the proper equipment to potentially profitably mine. This leaves me with playing with the left overs just for the sake of it.
The idea is to create a mining device that is basically off the grid. In the light of Bitcoin itself being unregulated, a true off the grid device would fit in quite nicely. If I can find a way to produce the electricity without increasing the bill on my apartment I would feel I have succeeded.
Solar, Wind Power, Hydro Generator, or Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Water is in abundance on this planet so with the right equipment I could create hydrogen. This however would be costly and a general pain in the ass. I would also need to contain and compress it, collect it without other gasses getting mixed in and finally acquire equipment to produce electricity from it. Oh, and doing all that would require some other energy source. It seems hydrogen may at best be a suitable battery if you will. A means to store power and create a portable mining rig, but not a fully grid independent one.
Hydro generator may work. All I would need is a gasoline generator sans the motor, gearing, a paddle wheel of sorts, a river, and I could easily produce enough electricity to power a substantial rig. Hey and maybe 100 yards from my window is a huge river with plenty of energy to spare. Issues being all of those things cost a lot of money. I would also need some sharp welding skills to get the armature established to support the generator and connect the gearing and paddles. Additionally I would need a very long extension chord to run back to my apartment and most likely permits to construct such things. I also run the risk of theft of my outdoors equipment. Save this one for another day when I own land with a river running through it and have more funds available to invest in the equipment.
Wind power seems good. Its a no go however as the cost of turbines and the space needed to set them up is prohibiting.
Solar seems to be the winner, but how can I set up a solar array that provides me with enough juice to power a mining rig and takes up less space than the wind idea?
1. Bitcoin Mining Rig - Doesn't need to be the latest and greatest, just needs to run to prove a point.
2. Solar Electricity Generator - Has to be small enough to keep in my apartment or drop off on the roof before work. Preferably attachable to the rig itself.
3. A Container - Must be weather proof and secure. Would be used to house the rig and for mounting of the solar array.
4. Batteries - To power the rig at night and in low light situations.
5. Cooling - These things run hot and I would be placing it in the sun...
6. Overall Portability - As I aim to make this thing off grid and would need to place it in the sun it must be light enough and small enough to move around and remain relatively unnoticeable.
My Plan
Inspiration |
I intend to acquire a Raspberry Pi
Next up is the mining hardware itself. I'm leaning towards the Bitmain AntMiner
As I am going with the solar idea I would need panels and DC regulators to get the power to a safe and sufficient current. These solar panels
Inspiration |
For cooling I may originally use a USB-Powered fan
Back to perpetual motion.
I had a thought that may make my project differ from those tried by others. The heat issue is a universal one but our brilliant human scientists have long know how to convert heat into electricity. Why would one not attempt to recapture some of this lost energy for use in processing? In a sense this is like turbo charging a car. Use spent waste gas to pump more fuel and air back into the motor for increased power output. In my concept I would take advantage of produced heat, use it to produce electricity and feed that back to the battery array for use again.
Peltier chips will transport heat from one side to the other extremely efficiently with the use of electricity. Seebeck
This is the experiment. Make the mining rig small and portable. Power it with solar, and cool it passively or through solid state electronics namely Seebeck
I'll update as this project becomes more of a reality. Off to shopping for electronics :)
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation
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